Family Bonding

“And day by day attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts…”

- Acts 2:46

Next Family Bonding Selection

Date: TBD

Time: During Sunday service

What is Family Bonding?

Family bonding is one way that TCT stays connected with each other.

TCT families that wish to participate do so by filling out a Family Bonding card. The cards are then randomly selected to pair two families together. Those families will meet at least once over the next few weeks to fellowship, enjoy a meal together, or do an activity.

The process above is repeated periodically and provides a great way for us to get to know others in the congregation!

Participation is encouraged, but not required.

How to Participate in Family Bonding

If you would like to sign up for family bonding, fill out a Family Bonding card at the information table near the back of the worship area on Sunday morning.

At the next Family Bonding selection your card will be shuffled together with all other participants, and randomly selected to pair you with another family.

At that time, you will be given your partner’s Family Bonding card with their contact information. You and your partner communicate with each other to determine the details of when, where, and what you will be doing together!


Men’s Campout

